ROATM, Return on Authenticity,
is The Norma Hollis Group
Process for Workplace Authenticity
While many companies still operate with the concept that leaders are expected to
be polished and perfect, the companies that will have the greatest success in
today’s work environment are those with authentic leaders who are willing
to create authentic organizations.
Authentic leaders are a special breed of people.
They know who they are and this self– knowledge empowers them to transform their life and lives of those they lead. Their authenticity builds loyalty, trust, collaboration and commitment. It forges positive change in their teams, their company, their community and their industry.
They are the new, emerging force in an ever– changing arena.
Authentic leaders create Workplace Authenticity.
Companies who build their culture around authenticity will find themselves able to navigate the changing environment of business as we move into a workforce that includes artificial intelligence and expanding perspectives on consciousness.
Our ROATM process benefits both the individual and the organization. We offer multiple ways to transform your workplace.
ROATM increases ROI.
We would like to introduce ROATM to your organization.
When you create an environment of ROATM the key outcomes include:
Teams Align
ROATM aligns values such as honesty, transparency, trust, respect, and cooperation, which bonds teams and creates a more productive environment.
Engagement Increases
“People who behaved more authentically
at work felt more confident, content,
and deeply engaged at work."
Simmons University’s Institute
for Inclusive Leadership
Retention Improves
ROATM encourages employees
to be their true selves, a primary reason
for them to be loyal to your company.
Our Process is Based on 30 Years of Research on Human Nature
The ROATM process is based on the Authenticity Grid developed by our founder, Dr. Norma Hollis. The original individual Authenticity Grid has been modified to multiple formats to support corporate environments. Our Grids are essentially tools to understand and manage human energy in an innovative way. We see the culture of an organization as a collection of human energy. Our work assesses the energy then, through a series of engagements with the company, we lead the transformation of the energy to a clear, aligned path.
This innovative approach to Workplace Authenticity can be implemented in multiple ways.
Contact Jay Thompson, Corporate Development Liaison.
Jay will discuss your organization’s needs and how ROATM can impact your organization.
Motivational and inspirational speakers introduce the concepts of ROATM to your organization with a focus on one of the following:
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Engagement
- Sales
- Stress Reduction
- Time Management
- Workplace Culture
Senior Team Alignment Assessment – We help team members understand the energy within their team. Using several short assessments we discover energy strengths and gaps within individual members then in a planning conversation, discuss recommended modifications that could align the team toward greater success.
Team Authenticity Audit – Working with small teams, large groups or company-wide, we administer one of the Corporate Authenticity Assessments (Culture, Engagement, Sales, or Dignity) and provide feedback of identified team strengths and gaps. Included is a written plan of action to align teams, increase engagement and improve retention.
Learn at Lunch – We provide multiple topics for lunch and learn programs including 12-months of an Organizational Workplace Authenticity Tune-up to sharpen the personal and professional energy of the larger team.
Mastermind Classes - We create customized classes, programs, games and activities based on gaps identified from our assessments.
Executive Coaching – Our Certified Coaches will work with a team members to assist in their transition to leadership of ROATM. We can provide both individual and group coaching programs.

This is the Corporate Authenticity Grid which is used to assess your organization’s status of Workplace Authenticity.

What People Say About ROATM
The time spend this morning in self-reflection and exploration of our authenticity has created a “buzz” within our County team. We all walked away more aware of ourselves and focused on how to leverage our individual gifts to strengthen our inner, outer, and expressive voice! Very powerful and moving morning!
I heard the Authenticity presentation and I was reminded that no matter where you are and what you do and if you touch lives as I do you have to remember to be authentic. Be yourself, you don’t have to be on stage, you don’t have to be judgmental, you don’t have to remember who’s better than you or who’s not as good as you. Just be authentic and come from your authentic self.
By having attended the Authenticity seminar I have found new ways of transforming and actually delivering the organization in its highest level. This is something I’ve always looked for and I found it through the Authenticity presentation in the most purest form.
It’s by being authentic and speaking the truth in the most powerful manner.
This training was different than I expected. I learned a simple easy way to connect that was powerful and I learned to find and listen to my inner voice in a way that no one has ever explained to me before. I also learned how to express a side of me that makes me appear more connected, softer, sometimes and more approachable and especially heartfelt to the people around me. That connection with the audience is probably the most valuable thing that I learned.
Meet With Jay